Thursday, January 27, 2011


I've fallen in love with a band. Maybe I'll drop everything and become a groupie. I always loved the movie almost famous, but I don't want to end up like Penny. I would however love to follow around an artistic movement that has the power to pierce my heart like this band. I'm realizing how to be myself both the parts that make since and the parts that don't. I don't really know what exactly it is about these musicians or the words to these songs, but they reach down inside and make me feel alive. In particular, I love Little Lion Man 

Every day after work I turn it up and sing at the top of my lungs. I've heard a lot of people do this, but this isn't comon for me. I also don't usally like yelling one particular word, but in this song I yell it loudly and feel it for everything this naughty word is meant to be. It isn't meant to be overused or abused as any word shouldn't be, but it is used only when the full emotion and force behind the word is necessary. I'm being very vague, but listen to the link and you'll figure out what I'm talking about. This new lovely habbit really cuts all the nastiness of the day away and reminds me that I'm human and that today I have tried and I also may have failed, but it will all be ok, maybe just not the way I'd pictured it.

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