Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Often we think the brave are those who do extraordinary things, or decide to do something selfless like join the military or become a firefighter. I find my own bravery when I choose to stick with the hard things and many others I imagine do the same.

What would happen if we saw bravery in the criminals, bravery in the "lower" of society, bravery in the woman that has worked in the food industry for the past 30 years and never decided to give up. What if we looked past the label and saw everyone's story and how they have endured extoidinary circumstances, despite any negative things on the surface. I know my own personal bravery is sometimes not bravery at all, but advancement and survival, just as many others we see. The difference is that I've been given more opportunities to "survive"and to do so much more easily.

I think every human has a bravery in them, that no matter how hidden it may be, has the capacity for greatness. When I look into the faces of the teenagers I work with. The ones society often looks down on as delinquent, I do not see the anger, I do not see the hatred, I do not see the capacity for harm, but I see a sadness and a bravery that rips at parts of my heart that I often ignore. The part of my heart, where I have to acknowledge that the world can be very cruel and unfair. These children may steal, they may have "uncontrollable" anger, and they may even smoke a little marijuana, but they are brave beyond their years. Put in their same position I would probably act the same. This position being a position where often only the delinquency can be seen and not the path that brought me there or the good that is often masked by these delinquent acts. I would probably act the same way, most likely worse. Could I be so brave? Could you be so brave?

I don't say all of this to bring myself or others down, but to only urge and encourage us all to not look upon the surface and to give everyone a chance. I'm not saying to be stupid, take care of yourself, but remember, sometimes all anyone needs is someone to show them that they see the good in them, when everyone else sees the bad. It is hard, and sometimes it may not appear to make a difference. In life, however, it is the acts we commit with no agenda that make the most differnce. Let your agenda only be to see the good where others may not.

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