Saturday, December 10, 2011

Back to the Drawing board

It is almost the middle of December and this project is about to reach its first birthday. My dedication has dwindled, but my topics and life events have in no way evaporated. I have become more busy and have lost steam. I guess my real-life burnout filtered into my burnout for writing. Life has only gotten more interesting, harder, and I've only learned more about myself. In addition, I've had brief moments where I've started several posts, but fallen asleep or run off to more adventurous things and left the thoughts to be completed later. Later being, tonight, the first quiet night in months. A quiet Saturday night, when only due to poor planning, I'm home alone. I'm supposed to be in Columbus at my sisters after delivering presents to foster children in Macon, but the presents were locked in a room and took this as a sign to take a break and breath. Tonight I will finish my posts. Tonight I will write about some issues weighing on my heart and lastly, tonight I will give my site a face lift. In doing all this I'm taking time for myself, the thing I find most difficult.